I think it's easier to read and to setup the IfcProject in this way (with the imperial convertion stuff ) but it create a little overcost due to the logic...
@Binnette les cas devraient quand même être apparant sur la carte non ? 🤔 Je parle pour les 3 qu'on peut voir dans le graphique courant. Exception faite de mon...
Ça ne me fait pas peur :) j'accepte !
as @martin1cerny says it's not something that could be resolved from xBim side. I think it's an issue due to unity environment etc... By the way I didn't try to...
Just to have an idea @stefkeB how many times it takes just to reach your current code state for the rendering with Xbim + Unity ? ** nervous laugh **...
That's why I try to drop entierely this geometry module, if we talk of the same thing that is the entire xBimGeometry module. And only create stuff with pure Unity+C#...
So, if I understand what you say just above, you succeed by importing the dll : - Xbim.Geometry.Engine.Interop - Xbim.ModelGeometry.Scene - Xbim.Geometry.Engine32/64 and use them ""without any issue"". I suppose...
@andyward that's exactly what I currently do here (external background process). Glad to hear all that X-platform stuff by the way :D
@Wolgraph i did this as a temp solution which is now my main solution :) cause I have no time to try something else. So yeah, your solution is the...
Any news on this issue cause I have the same trouble.