
Results 47 comments of 二刺螈

[win10x64 pro 2004] can not also find start-boot setting and I use scoop install eartrumpet but you can copy the shortcut of "D:\scoop\apps\eartrumpet\current\EarTrumpet.exe" to folder"C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" then the eartrumpet will...

@riverar 1. Start > Run > ms-settings:startupapps, item eartrumpet not exists, but if "C:\Users\lisonge\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" has eartrumpet shortcut, item eartrumpet will exists 2. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System has both values SupportFullTrustStartupTasks=(int32)1 and EnableFullTrustStartupTasks=(int32)2...

the async api that he want should be just like `React Fiber` ```js (async () => { // do all work for (let i = 0; i { setTimeout(res); });...

android >=7 用户安装证书都是默认不信任,装了也没用


[email protected][email protected], [email protected] , @vitejs/[email protected] 当 router-view 把 keep-alive 包裹的时候,无论 component key 是什么,热更新 router-view 下的根组件 都会报错 ,子组件不会 ```txt TypeError: parentComponent.ctx.deactivate is not a function ```

@chenhaihong 我之前的描述反了,应该是当 router-view 把 keep-alive 包裹 我用 keep-alive 是为了 `移动端路由 在回退时 恢复状态` App.vue ```html ``` router.ts ```ts router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { if (!to.query.t) { to.query.t = new Date().getTime().toString(); return...

how to make `import.meta.globEager` work with `vite-svg-loader` ?

@jpkleemans codesandbox not working with `import.meta.globEager` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38517192/174093666-69d1cdfd-749a-4f62-bbb5-48fe6ff1c2b1.png) reproduce source code