Is hiredis open any API for TLS cipher setting? • Cipher suite that can be used for TLS o TLS 1.2 : AES128-GCM-SHA256 AES128-SHA256 AES256-GCM-SHA384 AES256-SHA256...
No ice
#### Description #### Reference issue Fixes #...
## Summary Based on It is force setSDPRemote with mid, then suppose when new local SDP, the mid should be kept. BTW, can I know Pion take mid as...
No ice
#### Description #### Reference issue Fixes #...
**Describe the bug** After new AsyncRedisCluster client, and keep it idle, not send any traffic, I observed the fd keep costing. **To Reproduce** Minimal code to reproduce the bug. client...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Once the cert installed at redis server expired, it will lead to handshake failed. Is it possible support new refreshed...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** My use case prefer send all kinds of raw command, such as lua etc, and prefer to parse hiredis redisReply...
**Describe the bug** in AsyncConnection::connect_callback, there throw error during handle different state, my case is throw error during State::CONNECTING, then program fire SegV. **To Reproduce** To simple reproduce, you can...
**Describe the bug** When I send 100 traffic to redis via AsyncRedisCluster *client client->redis(key, false).command... There are 100 "CLUSTER SLOTS", since always do pool update. AsyncRedis AsyncRedisCluster::redis(const StringView &hash_tag, bool...