Ophir Radnitz
Ophir Radnitz
## Bug description Please include steps to reproduce expected and actual behavior. ## Environment - detekt Idea Version: 1.21.0-RC2 - Platform Version: 2022.1.3 - Platform Vendor: JetBrains s.r.o. - Java...
This addresses #1686 . Custom scalars coercion error messages are preserved in the resulting error. Also, validation messages have been simplified so they no longer carry concatenated pieces of relevant...
We implemented a few custom scalars by extending the `Coercing` interface. Validating input values is done in `parseLiteral()` method implementation which returns `T` value for a successful parsed value or...
`redeliveryCount` was added to `MsgProto` (in `protocol.proto`) and made available in the Go client as part of [nats-streaming-server #996](https://github.com/nats-io/nats-streaming-server/issues/996) . This is critical for implementation of setting a limit number...