Qikai Li
Qikai Li
Hi, @Taylorminer this may be related to the installation of `mmpose`. What is the command you run to install `mmpose`? Or, you can run `pip list | grep mmpose` to...
I see. You can try add this line `PYTHONPATH="$(dirname $0)/..":$PYTHONPATH` in the very begining of your command, for example: ``` PYTHONPATH="$(dirname $0)/..":$PYTHONPATH python demo/body3d_two_stage_img_demo.py \ configs/body/3d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/pose_lift/h36m/simplebaseline3d_h36m.py \ https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/body3d/simple_baseline/simple3Dbaseline_h36m-f0ad73a4_20210419.pth \ --json-file...
这个可能是因为 Windows 上文件路径有两个 `\\` ,导致获取到的文件名有误。可以将这一行改成: `image_id = self.name2id[image_paths[i][len(self.img_prefix+1):]]` 试试
@darcula1993 I have tried your command and encountered the same problem. Actually, the pipelines for image and single-frame in the config file are slightly different. For example, you can check...
@pallgeuer Thanks for your interest in this issue. I think the main concern of this issue is if we can use videopose3d one-frame model to do inference **on image input,...
@pallgeuer Thanks for your nice suggestion! Would you like to raise a PR to fix this problem you mentioned?
Thank you for your helpful advice! The chart looks clear and intuitive, which can visually show the trade-off between mAP and FPS. Would you like to raise a PR to...
This issue seems to be related to the installation of `opencv-python`. You may refer to this issue: https://github.com/opencv/opencv-python/issues/591. Please double-check if you have installed `opencv-python` correctly. FYI,you can follow the...
这里的 `image_size=512` 指的是输入网络的图片大小,如果你的输入图片不是 512 x 512 的,在数据预处理的时候会 resize 到 512 x 512,因此无需在 config 文件中指定 `image_size=[384, 512]`
Thanks for your interest in MMPose and your suggestion. We will look into it. You can also comment on the roadmap of MMPose [here](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose/issues/9).