Daniel E. White
Daniel E. White
More details: I am trying to tag https://www.thetvdb.com/series/the-three-stooges THETVDB.COM SERIES ID 79173 I drop "The Three Stooges s10e10 A Gem of a Jam.mp4" on VidMonk and instead of pulling up...
I tried it on my Mac and it works, however, I am running Yosemite and Xcode 6.1.1 complained a lot while compiling VM.
This does not help. Shows that I have been tagging for a while now do not work. I will provide sample file names later if you are willing to test...
Try this file name: NCIS.s12e11.mp4 I get the same error: ERROR parsing XML document: searching for TV show ID 72108. The requested URL was not found on this server. WARNING:No...
I will try again when I get home. I pulled down a copy of the source from GitHub and I was planning to walk thru the TVDB-API by hand. I...
P.W.O.R. http://gerryanderson.wikia.com/wiki/P.W.O.R.
Hey CMARRIN ! I am looking thru TVDBMetadataSearcher.m and all of the code and Metadata Notes.txt and I have a question: Where are you using the API key for TVDB...
I got your fix : http://forums.thetvdb.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=21545 http://www.thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/Programmers_API
FWIW, movtoy4m is one of the Resources in VisualHub. Is there a problem including it in Video Monkey ?
The app also crashes if I droop more than one movie on it with "Auto Search on Load" enabled.