Hi, the resnet50 pretrained model from "https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet50-19c8e357.pth" cannot be loaded into the model. **The error is :** RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for ResNet: Missing key(s) in state_dict: "conv2.weight", "bn2.weight",...
Hi,guys, i was wondering whether it is possible to accelerate the convergence process in Neural Replicator Dynamics. In this paper,https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.00190, the accumulated values **y**t at time t is approximated by...
Hi guys, I am trying to implement the neural replicator dynamics algorithm in the paper "Neural Replicator Dynamics: Multiagent Learning via Hedging Policy Gradients", and the link of the article...
Hi, thank you for the awesome work. I was wondering what is the purpose of the function de_preprocess,can you give me some hint? thank you!
Hello, thanks for sharing your excellent works, and i am confused on some details, it shows that the player direction is multiplied by 100 in the code : player_direction*100. Can...
Hi, thank you for the great job! There is a return which contains attention_contacts in esm2, and the code is: results = model(batch_tokens, repr_layers=[33], return_contacts=True). However, i cannot find similar...