
Results 16 comments of linshengnan09

ok, I found that this parameter setting is missing in my config-hicpro.txt file

I had set SORT_RAM to 1000M in in the config-hicpro.txt, but it did'nt work. the mapping_combine.log: ~/01_bin/samtools merge -@ 36 -n -f bowtie_results/bwt2/sample1/XB_R1_merged_canu_asm.fasta.bwt2merged.bam bowtie_results/bwt2_global/sample1/XB_R1_merged_canu_asm.fasta.bwt2glob.bam bowtie_results/bwt2_local/sample1/XB_R1_merged_canu_asm.fasta.bwt2glob.unmap_bwt2loc.bam ~/01_bin/samtools merge -@ 36 -n...


hi, I encountered the same error, how did you solve it in the end? Thanks

hello, do you sovle this problem?

hi, have you solved this problem? I encountered the same error.