fastq-pair copied to clipboard
go version
a concurrent version for the GO program and can be implemented in any httpBrowserTemplate using the r *httpRequest. The github code is here
package fastq
Author Gaurav Sablok
Universitat Potsdam
Date : 2024-8-27
a multiplex nextseq, novaseq read balancer for the Illumina reads using GO.
adding the support for the MongoDB file creation and a concurrent pattern.
import (
func main() {
argsinput1 := os.Args[1:]
argsinput2 := os.Args[2:]
readinput1, err := os.OpenFile(argsinput1)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(errors.New("input1 cant be empty"))
readinput2, err := os.OpenFile(argsinput2)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(Error.New("input2 cant be empty"))
open1 := bufio.NewScanner(readinput1)
open2 := bufio.NewScanner(readinput2)
openinputH1 := []string{}
openinputSeq1 := []string{}
openinputH2 := []string{}
openinputSeq2 := []string{}
for open1.Scan() {
line := open1.Text()
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "@") || strings.Contains(string(line), "length") {
openinputH1 = append(openinputH1, strings.Split(line, " ")[0])
if string(line[0]) == "A" || string(line[0]) == "T" || string(line[0]) == "G" || string(line[0]) == "C" {
openinputSeq1 = append(openinputSeq1, line)
for open2.Scan() {
line := open2.Text()
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "@") || strings.Contains(string(line), "length") {
openinputH1 = append(openinputH2, strings.Split(line, " ")[0])
if string(line[0]) == "A" || string(line[0]) == "T" || string(line[0]) == "G" || string(line[0]) == "C" {
openinputSeq2 = append(openinputSeq2, line)
balancedH1 := []string{}
balancedH2 := []string{}
balancedH1head := []string{}
balancedH2head := []string{}
for i := range openinputH1 {
if string(openinputH1[i]) == string(openinputH2[i]) {
balancedH1 = append(balancedH1, openinputH1[i])
balancedH2 = append(balancedH2, openinputH2[i])
balancedH1head = append(balancedH1head, openinputSeq1[i])
balancedH2head = append(balancedH2head, openinputSeq2[i])
checklen := len(balancedH1) == len(balancedH1)
if checklen != true {
log.Fatal("The balancer is uneven and the reads cant be assembled"))
} else {
fmt.Println("The balancer is equal")
It doesnt uses the pointer as that is zero value indexed already so there is no need for the same. reference calibration and memory caching can be enabled.
Thank you Gaurav