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linorobot2 with A2M12 LIDAR problem...
Hi dear Jimeno, I have quite happy with belt-driven rplidar , but belt have a limited life so I tried to upgrade and purchased A2M12. I could able to install rplidar-ros with the help of slamtec website, and I was able to run slam ( baudrate : 256000 and scan_mode: "express/standard/Sensitivity"--all 3 modes its working fine, and saved the map. But after that, while opening map / navigation part is partially ovened on rviz and continuous messegaes coming on terminal saying "f Invalid frame ID " map" passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist...". I tried this on galactic as well as on humble, also tried on X86 and arm64 both.
Please help me. With Regards, Hem.
what do you mean by partially opened? Could you pose a screenshot here? Have you initialised the pose in Rviz?
Partially, I mean only map (borders in black lines) appearing, no cast map, no laser etc.
I tried by adding following lines (static_transform_publisher_node) in navigation.launch file , Now its working and also reduced frequency in ekf file to = 30. But I don't know its a right way or wrong...
Node( package='tf2_ros', executable='static_transform_publisher', name='link1_broadcaster', arguments=['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', 'map', 'odom'], output='screen',)
No pose estimation / particles are appearing. pl. do needful,
Hi Dear sir Grossjelly,
I could produce navigation map by adding few lines of node in navigation.launch file as mentioned in above post [Ros2 humble Navigation ]. But I'm not getting pose particles for localization. Please advise. Thank you.