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Problem with armv7 and docker osrf
Hello everyone, I have an armv7 card. I made a build of a docker image starting from this git: Once the image was created, I tried compiling linorobot2 I cloned micro_ros_setup I ran the command rosdep install --from-path src --ignore-src -y and I get the following error:
E: Unable to locate package ros-humble-fastcdr ERROR: the following rosdeps failed to install apt: command [apt-get install -y ros-humble-fastcdr] failed
I don't understand why apt install is used. ros2 on armv7 can only be compiled. inside ws/src I have the following folders: ament eProsima eclipse-cyclonedds eclipse-iceoryx ignition micro_ros_setup osrf ros ros-perception ros-planning ros-tooling ros-visualization ros2 I believe the addiction is there. Where am I doing wrong?
have you tried this ?