Results 46 comments of Halo Master

感谢提供这么好的Blog和Code. 我试了下,其它都是OK的,只有带Cookie的那个例子不行. 返回:I got your cookie: undefined 我看了下server.js, 似乎是: res.status(200).end('I got your cookie: ' + req.headers.cookie); 没有获取到cookie,然后看chrome的控制台,确实没有带cookie. Chrome是最新的Version 66.0.3359.139 (Official Build) (64-bit) 非常不理解哪里不对, 希望您能帮忙看看,谢谢!

something like converting `http://localhost/post/?id=1` to `http://localhost/post/1/`

> So, for example, if `index.lua` exists, but not `1/index.lua`, then Algernon could check if `index.lua` contains a handler for `/1`, possibly by calling a function in `index.lua` to check?...

How about added the libs? ``

> Alright, I can get most of the way there using this: > > ```lua > -- loadscriptdir.lua > local r = require > local pp = package.path > require...

By the way, we can use the [`concurrent-map`]( for managing lua-states.

Added a line : ```lua content([=[text/html; charset=utf-8]=]); ``` fixed it. weired.

Finally, I know why . If I put `-u` at the first arg of arglist `algernon -u --cache=images --redis=localhost:6379 -s /root/owrt_www :443` problem reproduced! And if I move the `-u`...

> * go build -mod=vendor [DEBUG SITE]( Click `Hello Lua` will download a lua-file; Click `Counter` is OK. Updated algernon from github and rebuld it with `go build -mod=vendor`. `algernon...

Added ```lua content([=[text/html; charset=utf-8]=]); ``` to /samples/permissions/index.lua at line 0 fixed the `download file` problem.