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Xinfra Monitor monitors the availability of Kafka clusters by producing synthetic workloads using end-to-end pipelines to obtain derived vital statistics - E2E latency, service produce/consume availab...
After unpackaging the jar file with gradle, I'm running into the following error when trying to run this command: ``` $ bin/xinfra-monitor-start.sh config/xinfra-monitor.properties ``` // === ERROR === Exception in...
Hi, I am trying to run the below command after building the jar file. Am getting the below error. Please help. ./bin/xinfra-monitor-start.sh config/xinfra-monitor.properties com.linkedin.xinfra.monitor.services.configs.DefaultMetricsReporterServiceConfig) [2022-07-05 16:51:41,745] INFO ClusterTopicManipulationService constructor initiated...
Hi Team, I am facing an issue with setting up the xinfra-monitor.properties I am receiving errors when I add Jetty service ``` } (com.linkedin.xinfra.monitor.services.OffsetCommitService) Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.linkedin.kmf.services.JettyService...
Adds `commit-availability-avg` metric, calculated similarly to `produce-availability-avg` and `consume-availability-avg` based on a ratio of rates calculated over a 60 second time window. Fixes some incorrect descriptions of existing offset metrics...
Currently the StatsD reporting service converts metric values from double to long when calling the StatsD client. This makes it unsuitable for the availability metrics because all digits after the...
The availability metrics are reported to statsd as either 0 or 1. We tracked it down to this bit of code: `new Double(attributeValue.value()).longValue()` [kafka-monitor/StatsdMetricsReporterService.java at master · linkedin/kafka-monitor](https://github.com/linkedin/kafka-monitor/blob/master/src/main/java/com/linkedin/xinfra/monitor/services/StatsdMetricsReporterService.java#L100) The statsd...
Under certain circumstances, eg network errors, a service might stop due to an error, however no attempt is made to restart it. The regular healthcheck will notice a service is...
- Removing test classes that are not used within the codebase and are marked as deprecated.
Hi there, Thank you for open sourcing kafka-monitor. As we are currently spending some time in setting up E2E testing ourselves I am wondering if there are any future plans...