Linh Kiubo
Linh Kiubo
> Is there any workaround for this? You need to adjust either the start date or the selected date to fall within the selectable range of values.
> GestureDetector( onLongPressUp: () { showCupertinoModalBottomSheet( isDismissible: true, backgroundColor: lightBlackNavBar, useRootNavigator: true, context: context, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200), builder: (context) => Container( height: 300, child: Center(child: Text('I tuoi account')), ), );...
> I got the same error when clicking on top outside SafeArea Do you have any solution for this?
@dhananjaya90 can u help me
this is my code ,on IOS crash app let dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs; const url = item.url; RNFetchBlob.config({ path: dirs.DocumentDir + url.slice(url.lastIndexOf('/'), url.length), addAndroidDownloads: { useDownloadManager: true, title: url.slice(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1,...