Lingrong Karen Jin
Lingrong Karen Jin
I got this error when trying to specify the location of dbcan_fam_activities: usage: [-h] {version,prepare_databases,set_database_locations,mv_db_folder,update_description_db,update_dram_forms,print_config,print_settings,import_config,export_config} ... error: unrecognized arguments: --dbcan_fam_activities_loc /storage/jufengLab/jinlingrong/Database/dbCAN2/CAZyDB.08062022.fam-activities.txt Here is the code I used for...
I got the following error when running the COBRA pipeline. I have run with other metagenomes which worked fine but had problems this particular sample. I checked that contig...
I have a couple hundreds of single amplified genomes from single cell assemblies which have low completeness (completeness
I want to build a custom database with my own genomes (MAGs) with GTDB taxonomy. My understanding of the workflow for creating custom databases is that we need to 1)...