Lindsey DiLoreto
Lindsey DiLoreto
That would be sweet! I literally had a client discussing "new subdomains" with me yesterday... this feature would help a lot.
@miwilc Which "PHP code" and "database" are you referring to? This Github repo is for a simple shell script. Please elaborate on the perceived security risk... I don't see one.
Curious, what advantage would this have over an implementation of [Element Actions]( Since "actions" can be incredibly open-ended, I'm not sure it makes sense to squeeze this functionality into DashCols....
Ah, very interesting! It's true, using element actions on a single element always seems a little clunky. Ok, I'm sold. Looking forward to when (if) this feature gets added! :)
Awesome! I look forward to it. :)
Out of curiosity, did you ever get a chance to look into this? Wondering if you found it easy or difficult to implement. It's not a dealbreaker (I still love...
Sounds perfect! Thanks man!
I'm having a similar issue. It seems as if the "SEO Image Transform Mode" field is having no effect. It seems like whichever option I choose, the image just gets...
Looking at the code being generated by SEOmatic, it seems like the "Fit" selection is being ignored by the meta tags. Both of these tags are apparently using the `crop`...
The Twitter and Facebook ones just say "Same As SEO Image":