Johan Lindell

Results 96 comments of Johan Lindell

That's nice, but the promise part is not even necessary :) (since nothing in jsbarcode is asynchronous ) ```js import flatEncodings from '../lib/help/linearizeEncodings'; import EAN13 from '../lib/barcodes/EAN_UPC/EAN13'; import SVGRender from...

I will have a look at it!

`4.0.0-alpha.4` have the `lib` folder 🙂

Some things needs to be decided before we can publish the first beta of v4. First, what should we call `encoder` and `renderer`? I think the renderer name is pretty...

@halvardssm To get a base64 encoded blob with jsbarcode is already very simple and is not something that will be added to jsbarcode 4. The goal with it is to...

@lgrayland I will take a look at it. Thought alpha tags would not be used as default

@Crackroach When it comes to jQuery support. What we mean is that it will not be unusable with jQuery. Just that you will have to write ```js JsBarcode("#id", ``` Instead...

@lgrayland npm apparently sets the `latest` tag to newly published version independent of the naming. It should be set on the last stable version again, and newly tagged alphas should...

The generator demo exist under the `gh-pages` branch.

Please creating a working example that can be run using something like jsfiddle.