Johan Lindell

Results 96 comments of Johan Lindell

2D barcodes are out of the scope of this library. It will only focus on 1D/1.5D barcodes. I will implement [my suggestion]( to start with since that will allow for...

If you want to implement the barcodes with this you could pull from It is not finalized but could be useful to ensure that the implementation works :)

Your implementation contained solutions that where a little bit too convoluted, I cloned your code and changed it a bit to basically be 7 lines + definitions.

The structure should be the most fitting for the barcode type. Thought this was the best solution. I would love to have more barcodes implemented if you want to take...

Made the sync height (default: 0.37) as an option and an option (default: true) to make the height of the lines integers in case when the height is going to...

I'm thinking about merging into master. Do you have anything else you want to change about KIX before that?

@SanichKotikov Indeed flat should be converted. But doing it that way would violate some important design principles. Primarly the [dependency inversion principle]( This means that every time an option is...

That's all good! But the problem still remains that new (barcode specific) options does need to be edited in to work. This implementation is much nicer for the library options...

@garygreen I think I will realease the this when #171 i done which is hopefully pretty soon. But what do you want to do exactly? There is probably a pretty...

@garygreen You can already, with all options except the barcode specific ones. So basically the `flat` option for some of the EAN barcodes.