Lizzi Lindboe

Results 17 comments of Lizzi Lindboe

It's a common task to also want to instruction react-navigation to be able to track page navigation. We might want to also consider adding a generic placeholder function for things...

I was just now able to reproduce this with a new RN 0.64 project made with `react-native init` and running on device (iPhone 8+, `react-native info` output below) I'm going...

I would find this very useful. I want to be able to open a website I'm working on in multiple different containers each with a different user account logged in...

I have a use-case in React Native recently for this. To configure an app from RN 0.68+ template to use the New Architecture, you have to change a few lines...

Yes, the issue still exists with native 6.0.11 and stack 6.2.2 (others should not be relevant), as shown in the Snack

Since theme is global, it can get changed back, which I think is maybe the issue @ErrorPro ran into? The issue lies with the `Background` component here, which just uses...

Your executeSql call is missing its own error callback. If there isn't an error callback, any errors from trying to execute the sql statement will be lost (although it does...

Hi @mohebifar! I'm not currently using this library so it's not very likely I'll get around to this soon

We've been seeing this, and on Android the marker isn't responding to touches on the outer half when on the edges (e.g., the sections where the track doesn't exist). Setting...

For the sake of fully talking this out: I think there are drawbacks to hardcoding a path for node. This breaks the model of many version managers; for example, if...