Android? Check out other VPN settings. Such as "Block connections without VPN."
Any plan?
I've tried alacrity, foot, all the same. Kitty is even worse, you can not typing any more if you once move the mouse away the kitty window.
> [fcitx/fcitx5#1031](https://github.com/fcitx/fcitx5/issues/1031) @Sharpless298 In my case the input is completely disappear and everything goes to be fine if I move the focus twice.
> Maybe dupe of #5763? @sungyoonc maybe, but when creating a new terminal emulator in an empty workspace, I can type into it. In the case2, nothing unusual.
> Then can you try the latest git of hyprland? Your issue seems like the same thing I reproduced here. [#5763 (comment)](https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/issues/5763#issuecomment-2081340217) @sundhaug92 thanks, I'll find another laptop to try...
> > The latest version of hyprland solves this problem but introduces a new problem. The submap cannot be displayed on the waybar. > > @hnsylzg That should probably be...
> dupe of #5763 Thanks, I've installed the git version and will try it after I fix the SUPER(COMMAND) key issue.
> Try getting the right name with wev, run it, press it a couple times and see what shows up on the log on the "sym: " section. Thanks, but...
> The "Command" key _IS_ the "Super" key on Linux. These are all just different names for the same key on the backend, but by convention people call it "Super"...