
Results 8 issues of 黄林

就是现实区域不用position: fixed ,然后图片没哟居中,但是工具栏居中了,还有底部那个图片列表也没居中

- [ ] I'm sure this does not appear in [the issue list of the repository](https://github.com/arco-design/arco-design-vue/issues) ## Basic Info ## What are the similar cases of this feature 无 ##...

💎 enhancement

- [ ] I'm sure this does not appear in [the issue list of the repository](https://github.com/arco-design/arco-design-vue/issues) ## Basic Info ## What are the similar cases of this feature https://element-plus.gitee.io/zh-CN/component/image.html#%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87%E9%A2%84%E8%A7%88 ##...

✨ feature

- [ ] I'm sure this does not appear in [the issue list of the repository](https://github.com/arco-design/arco-design-vue/issues) ## Basic Info ## What are the similar cases of this feature https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/transition ##...

type: docs
type: feature request
type: 🔮 style

- [ ] I'm sure this does not appear in [the issue list of the repository](https://github.com/arco-design/arco-design-vue/issues) ## Basic Info ## What are the similar cases of this feature https://www.antdv.com/components/input-cn ##...

type: 🐞 bug
type: 🔮 style

- [ ] I'm sure this does not appear in [the issue list of the repository](https://github.com/arco-design/arco-design-vue/issues) ## Basic Info ## What are the similar cases of this feature 无 ##...

type: typescript

- [ ] I'm sure this does not appear in [the issue list of the repository](https://github.com/arco-design/arco-design-vue/issues) ## Basic Info ## What are the similar cases of this feature https://treejs.cn/v3/demo.php#_101 ##...

type: feature request
component: tree