Elias Limneos
Elias Limneos
@stek29 Same panic here, attaching logs [iPhone7 limneos.zip](https://github.com/ninjaprawn/async_awake-fun/files/1585010/iPhone7.limneos.zip) But I got past it by commenting out test_kdbg()
does " cycript -p coinoffers " work fine? (without the weak_classdump.cy script)
That's because there's a mistake at the example 2 If a path is given, the function needs all 3 parameters: function weak_classdump(classname,alsoDumpSuperclasses,outputdir) so it also needs a boolean for "alsoDumpSuperclasses"...
You should be able to compile since Theos can automatically find the file and use it. This used to be a minor hack in Theos so that you could define...
Inside miner.h: ``` #ifdef __OBJC__ #include ``` the ifdef probably doesn't fire. It doesn't recognise any objective-c calls in the code. In the Makefile where is says `DEFS = DHAVE_CONFIG_H...
have you set the target to arm64? Try : LDFLAGS = "arch=arm64" ./configure --build=arm64-apple-darwin --target=arm64-apple-darwin make clean; make;
If you're having trouble compiling the cpuminer project, I'm including all dependencies and the minerd.a in Precompiled Binaries folder. You can just drag them in the Xcode project and it...
The weak_classdump_bundle function doesn't work very well.. It will be fixed , but for dumping all headers I would recommend using classdump-dyld instead.