Hi I have both illumina pair-ends short reads of 300 bp, and nanopore long reads for my bacteria. Now I am using unicycler for hybrid assembly. I then use bandage...
Hello I am teaching myself how to run panX using TestSet. Here is the command I run exactly following the instructions. ./ -fn data/TestSet/ -sl TestSet -t 32 > TestSet.log...
I have dozens of bacterial genome with high assembled quality, and each genome has 2 chromosome and two or more plasmids. since parSNP only align core genes and call SNPs...
When I tried to start the image on my mac, I ran into the following errors. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot it? Best, LC
I am running import-rna, and it gave me the following error: the cnvkit version is 0.9.9. ``` (cnvkit) limin@DERM-6NBQ05N-LT cnr % import-rna -f counts -g /Users/limin/miniconda3/envs/cnvkit/data/ensembl-gene-info.hg38.tsv -c /Users/limin/miniconda3/envs/cnvkit/data/tcga-skcm.cnv-expr-corr.tsv...