Emil Holm Gjørup
Emil Holm Gjørup
The gRPC API should provide an endpoint `FastCatchUp`, which streams back blocks and the relevant information and proofs for a light client to catch up. This endpoint returns an error...
This feature/epic only covers the changes needed in the Concordium node in order to support a light client implementation. This will include adding gRPC endpoints for constructing relevant proofs and...
This issue is tracking potential metrics to add to the built-in Prometheus exporter. The metrics should only be relevant for someone maintaining a node. Continuation of #710 and #755. -...
`concordium-contracts-common` contains constants for the possible attribute tags used by the identity objects, this list is missing company related attributes.The list of attributes can be found here [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CxpFvtAoUcylHQyeBtRBaRt1zsibtpmQOVsk7bsHPGA/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CxpFvtAoUcylHQyeBtRBaRt1zsibtpmQOVsk7bsHPGA/edit#gid=0)
## Purpose Bumb IdissLib to NET6.0 and support Mac and Linux ## Changes - IdissLib now builds the `idiss` Rust library and includes the binaries, removing the need for manually...
- [x] The developer documentation needs to include a link to the `ccd-js-gen` package with a description of what the package does. - Tutorials using the JavaScript SDK and smart...
We should set up the CI using \[size-limit\]([https://github.com/ai/size-limit](https://github.com/ai/size-limit)) to ensure that we don't accidentally blow up the bundled size of the SDK.Small changes can result in bad tree-shaking and this...
**Task description** Currently, `ccd-js-gen` supports construct bytes parameters from regular javascript types, but does not provide functions for parsing parameters back into javascript types. This will be a small task,...
Our various dApp examples should use generated smart contract clients (`ccd-js-gen`). This is to track the task of doing so. ~This cannot be done until the web-wallet API supports web-SDK...
We should provide functions for computing an estimate of energy usage needed for running an update transaction for a smart contract on chain.The function should take the information needed for...