Lee McPherson

Results 21 comments of Lee McPherson

See `Persona` as an example. When labels are overflowing, `Tooltip` should show when hovering... they do not for now.

This might or might not be easier to do now. Worth looking into...

Are there any workarounds possible for this? Perhaps an alternative implementation of `IImage` for windows that would just get me to a point where I can display an image on...

I found a workaround. Put a dummy GraphicsView on the page somewhere where it loads first and handle the Loaded event with this: ``` private void dummy_Loaded(object sender, EventArgs e)...

This is just to load an stream into an `IImage`. The error you get comes from the GlobalCreator property being always null. Once you populate it with an actual `CanvasControl`...

I'm working on this and can provide a PR in a week or two. It's working fine, but I need to clean it up and make sure the Blazor features...

Ooui is not my project, but I wrote the half-done navigation stuff. So, no... no modal yet. You should look at the pull request to see the nav specific stuff...

Although, you should keep in mind that the other reason it was only a partial implementation is that I ignored the expectation of sharing state when it comes to navigation.

Now that the pull request is merged, the NavigationPage should work...

What I ended up doing is make a copy of the generated class for `ShaderMaterial`, then remove it from the generator, then modify the copied class in my own project...