Thank you very much! I did try fzf-tab though I've had many problems with my zsh configuration. Btw when reassigning it on different key bindings how can i disable the...
Sure this is a different issue but following the installation method doesn't work on my zsh setup. It gives me this following error message: ``` /home/void/.local/share/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/fzf-tab-completion/zsh/fzf-zsh-completion.sh:7: parse error near `|'...
Ok so I find a decent solution towards my problem. (this commit fixes it lime-desu/dootsfile@f010e11). Now another question, (sorry if i'm asking too much), I've seen this screencast: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lincheney/fzf-tab-completion/master/example.svg. On...
Yes, thank you very much! The `compinit` will do the job.