fix when compress multiple images only works on first jpg image problem. compressed images send by seperated request, need to be optimized.
Syntax error in crop.vue line 4: @:mousedown="drag", which should be @mousedown.
Msg: daycaca.rotate2 is not a function. Which means rotate2 is not exists, resolve this problem by modify daycaca.rotate2 => daycaca.rotate in crop.vue on line 137
Recommend that before call tryAjaxUpload(callback, isBinary, base64Code) function add some condition to parse base64Code to Blob. for instance: dataURLtoBlob (dataurl) { var arr = dataurl.split(','), mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1], bstr =...
Click crop button will send duplicate request to server, this happened when using daycoco.js. At last i find out it's caused by image.onload which in daycoco index.js _loadImage function ....
在vue-core-image-upload.vue 中: doCrop(e): = 100 - this.compress; 其传给canvasHelper.crop()的第二个参数是,console.log(可以看到 **有comprose而没有compress.** 在canvas-helper.js中: crop(image, options, callback)方法最后一句: const data = cvs.toDataURL(mimeType, options.compress/100); console.log(options.compress)得到的是undefined,**把compress改成comprose则可成功压缩.** 不知道这是不是bug~~