
Results 16 issues of limbo

变更点: 1. 新增日志查询按钮,跳转到对应监控项日志列表。 2. 告警列表 button icon 调整。 3. table 美化,报警名称宽度及日期时间宽度调制合理。

add makefile and .gitignore to more convenient to build project.

是否计划对templates的支持?类似 [Cerebro]( 对 templates 进行 CRUD

Fix setup bug: ```python ----> 1 import CallerLookup /private/tmp/ffx/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/CallerLookup/ in () 4 # Licence: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (Version 3, 29 June 2007) 5 ----> 6 from CallerLookup.Main import lookup_number...

This PR will solve the following problem. When no similar document is found in the vector database or the vector database is empty,`result_formatted[0][0].page_content` will be triggered and `IndexError` will be...

I think the follow-up scalability is better, not too much if else processing.


### 💻 系统环境 macOS ### 📦 部署环境 Vercel / Zeabur / Sealos ### 🌐 浏览器 Chrome ### 🐛 问题描述 pplx-7b-online 模型输出的内容过于诡异,我不清楚是什么导致的,温度(0.6)等其他配置都是默认的。 pplx-70b-online 也是一样 ### 🚦 期望结果 _No response_ ### 📷...

🐛 Bug

默认是 8090, 请问如何更换端口呢? ```bash $ lsof -i:8090 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME Shadowsoc 31740 beginman 8u IPv4 0x29f1a4e4a01debe3 0t0 TCP *:8090 (LISTEN) ```

It is a common requirement for developers to generate images through API control.

Where the database files? :-D