
Results 16 issues of limaodaxia

Bert-Sort refers to BERT-Sort: A Zero-shot MLM Semantic Encoder on Ordinal Features for AutoML, proposed by Mehdi Bahrami, et al. I think it is a method for feature encoding, which...

``` with tf.variable_scope('decoder', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): for i in range(8): with tf.variable_scope("resnetBlockFC_%d" % i ): b_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0) w_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0,stddev=np.sqrt(2) / np.sqrt(512)) net = tf.layers.dense(tf.nn.relu(net),512,kernel_initializer=w_initializer,bias_initializer=b_initializer) b_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(-0.5) w_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=2*np.sqrt(np.pi) / np.sqrt(512), stddev =...

Hello author, you did a good job. But I found a strange thing. a same sentence is defined as different SVO structure. In the following sentence, >(Drawing includes non-English language...

![image]( Why there is a rt in MVTec3DPreTrain?

Hey, @jayliu0313 Can we train the 3d model one sample a time but one patch a time? I think the pointnet and the NIF in Shape-Guided is designed for a...

![image]( ![image]( Hey, @jayliu0313 In the paper and code, I think the 'overlapping ratio' refers to the parameter 'group mul'. Have you conducted ablation experiments on the parameter of overlapping...

Why not train 3D model for each catergory respectively? I think if do so, the anomaly will be detected more easier.

``` def get_feature(self, points_all, points_idx, data_id, split='test'): total_feature = None total_rgb_feature_indices = [] for patch in range(len(points_all)): points = points_all[patch].reshape(-1, self.POINT_NUM, 3) indices = points_idx[patch].reshape(self.POINT_NUM) # compute the correspoding location...

``` def get_data_loader(split, class_name, img_size, datasets_path, grid_path, shuffle=False): if split in ['train', 'validation']: dataset = MVTec3DTrain(split=split, class_name=class_name, img_size=img_size, grid_path=grid_path) elif split in ['test']: dataset = MVTec3DTest(class_name=class_name, img_size=img_size, dataset_path=datasets_path, grid_path=grid_path) data_loader...

>To calibrate the distributions of scores, we align the mean ±3× standard deviation of RGB scores with the mean ±3× standard deviation of SDF scores by applying an affine transformation...