John Montgomery
John Montgomery
I suspect it's more to do with how the default encoding on the server is setup etc.
Possibly. I started a new job 3 months ago and it's been pretty intense...
@Proper-Job hopefully I could review it in July. If it's just the quoting, then it shouldn't be a large change, so should manage it. New job doesn't involve Django at...
Do you have the full stack trace for that? That looks like code from in Django itself. I suspect this is to do with how I'm handling transactions, which I...
It's not currently possible (it's currently fire and forget). I'll look into returning an object that would let you get the id when you schedule a task (currently None is...
One things that occurs to me about this is being careful not to delete a task that's actually in the process of being run. We'd probably need to lock the...
Have you added background_task to your INSTALLED_APPS in your settings? Without that Django won't no to include it when running syncdb. On 7 July 2015 at 19:16, jayata [email protected] wrote:...
It looks like you've defined your task inside you file? This means that process_tasks can't find it. To ensure it can find it I'd recommend putting it inside
I think that error is because you have edited the source code and replace @transation.autocommit with something that isn't actually a decorator. That's not the right thing to do. There...
Have you got the right timezone set in your Django settings file? Reviewing the code it should be calling the right functions to deal with the timezone. It might be...