Lilian Chiassai
Lilian Chiassai
After further analysis, it probably comes from the download_torrent method not being called. Plugins that do not use this method work flawlessly. Plugins that do fail. This bug is opened...
Then we would need another annotation `@NotNullNotEmpty` for optionals that should generate an exclamation mark, otherwise it would not be possible to generate a non-nullable schema field.
Indeed, `@GraphQLNonNull` solves the problem I was mentioning.
The clientMutationId field is not part of the Relay Modern specs. The Relay Classic specs are unclear but look like it is optional. An option to not generate the clientMutationId...
I confirm the bug is still there. For users having not using workspaces, the "-w" option is a good workaround.
I can confirm that I have selected the proxy device as my default output for the whole system. I have tried both 1.0.5 and 1.0.6, with the same result: when...
The Proxy Audio Device Settings app is set to proxy my samsung monitor. I have tried different settings, but have mainly been testing with the largest buffer size and `Always`...