
Results 12 issues of Kai

This is a really handy cli tool. Thanks! Any plans to make it `require`-able?

Latest versions of the IDE from arduino.org have support for wireless sketch uploading via "Over The Air" technology. See this guide for example: http://labs.arduino.org/First+sketch+using+an+Arduino+UNO+WiFi Given a compatible board and IDE/toolchain,...

Feature Request

The objectStore method is defined on the transaction, not the database. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBDatabase

When pasting a url in Sheets, a helpful little dialog appears and suggests that you "Replace URL with its title" as linked text (see image below). Auto archiver doesn't know...

good first issue

Example: the name "Jan van der Steen" is sometimes abbreviated in Dutch as "Jan vd Steen". Currently, this will parse "vd" as a middle name, but it should be part...


Bithub is now serving the payout image with Cache-Control: max-age=0 but github/fastly is still serving the old cached image on READMEs for Bithub, TextSecure, etc... Evidently fastly is not re-reading...

I received a security alert from github: > Known moderate severity security vulnerability detected in jquery < 3.0.0 defined in package.json. I have dismissed the alert because we only use...

What a difference six years makes. I ran into all sorts of issues trying to deploy this little app. The Heroku of today requires all sorts of fancy comforts, like...

Cause who even reads more than 140 chars at a time any more? Like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt4MFkbr6co, but maybe a little slower and more explainy.