Colin Seymour

Results 237 comments of Colin Seymour

> Wouldn't it be better to use the [tree-sitter plugin]( rather than the vscode grammar? Nope because Linguist has no control over the choice of tree-sitter grammars used (we don’t...

Still got failing tests. Run [this cmd]( to fix. I'll re-evaluate popularity when I come to make the next release which will in the next two weeks, assuming the failures...

Things don't look popular enough [once we exclude the `AztecProtocol` user](*.nr+%2F%5E%5Cs*fn%5B+%5Ct%5D%2B%5B%5E%5C%28%5Cs%5D.*%3F%5C%28%2F+NOT+user%3AAztecProtocol) that is responsible for nearly 650 of the found files.

Same as usual... approx 3-4 months after the [last one](

I know this is still in draft, but I've added the "Pending Popularity" label as there are only 52 files currently indexed if we [exclude the gnolang/gno repo and all...

> The team and I thought that we'd send this anyway, to see if an exception could be made, based on the success and widespread use on GitHub of some...

No change. It still doesn't look popular enough, especially when you consider that `mojo-lang` owns most of them so [excluding them](*.mojo+NOT+is%3Afork+NOT+user%3Amojo-lang&type=code) drops things quite considerably, And most definitely not the...

And further [refinement](*.mojo+NOT+is%3Afork+NOT+user%3Amojo-lang+language%3AXML&type=code&l=XML) shows a lot of those remaining files are XML, which whilst not popular enough for inclusion right now, would need to be explicitly added to XML in...

> Hah, thank you to all of our community members pinging this -- it does indeed look like we're above the 2k source file threshold! Reviewers, please take a look...

> I'll try to keep an eye on the search, and comment here once it looks like we've reached 2k, excluding any users with an outsized number of files. Please...