thanks for your reply, but use `--use-xheaders` option not work i believe the problem is bokeh websockets does not proxy right, i'll try some nginx config in Bokeh user guide
Hi, @Colengms Yes, it is a very simple example (just one C source file) about socket network operation, I can't put screenshot or paste it here for some NDA reasons...
Hi,@Colengms Here are the screenshots of the same working folder opened remotely(via ssh on host) and locally(on guest machine directly) respectively.  
You can see that IntelliSnese doesn't seem to work via remote SSH (hints can't appear on mouse hover; autocomplete doesn't work), but everything is fine when I use vscode directly...
Hi @Colengms, - The reporting errors are just something like "_identifier "XXXX" is undefined_" - I didn't do much deep customisation of VS Code settings, just plugin installation. could you...
Hi @Colengms, I've tried this setting `"C_Cpp.intelliSenseCacheSize": 0`, but it's still not working.
@heikopanjas Thank you for your information ! I have downgraded the c++ extension to 1.16 but it doesn't solve my problem. I have no idea what has happened to my...
@Colengms Hi, Colengms I have just created a simple workspace again to reproduce this issue, it's a very simple hello world. Here is the information. ### vscode version ``` Version:...
@sean-mcmanus Hi, I just can't go to definition on cout, it says "No definition found for cout"
@Gopigunaganti Thanks for your full explanation of the control model ! But it seems that the actual states for LQR used in the code are not `(x,y,yaw,v)` but `(traj_err, traj_err_dot,...