
Results 12 comments of lihjChina

you need add your dependency at the example project. org.apache.seatunnel seatunnel-connector-flink-jdbc ${project.version}

Please assign me the transform-v2/*。Thanks

> Please assign me the transform-v2/*。Thanks My pr is :

Please assign me source/*, except for those already done

目前看了,是统计日志输出有问题。在多线程并发情况下数据混乱了。完整日志如下。 ![image]( 目前我4张表,emp_c1是99999条、emp_c2是99998条、emp_c3是99997条、emp_c4是100000条,但是最终打印的结果如下 17:23:12.701 logback [job-68] INFO - [total cpu info] => averageCpu | maxDeltaCpu | minDeltaCpu -1.00% | -1.00% | -1.00% [total gc info] => NAME | totalGCCount...

> 大佬,我看你们任务平均流量是100多KB/S,那你们带宽是多少跑出的这个结果 这个100KB/S是由于源端表数据量大,还有就是很多程序都在抽数据

> Please add e2e for this pr. complete~