Haicheng Li

Results 6 comments of Haicheng Li


应该是解析网页出错了,我的理解是站酷应该是加了 JS 反扒,request 得不到 js 响应后的文件,导致无法获取 id `author_1st = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser').find(name='div', class_='author-info')` author_1st 是空

I found the problem, REF and ALT in --vcf cannot be the same, graphtyper will ignore sites where REF and ALT are the same. I manually made a vcf file...

Thanks for the reply, I am testing this software

When using default parameters for both tools, GraphTyper calls out approximately 19,000 variants with only NA12878 (1000 Genomes) as input, while GATK calls out over 40,000. Is this normal?