Sorry, the minGapLength was triggered by me, otherwise the nexus decoder that I wrote would not work. See here [the details]( but cannot really remember everything right now. If I...
Which model do you have? I can play with my newer Yoga, but not sure if my findings will be relevant. We can even set up some kind of a...
Can you open a Powershell prompt and type the following, in groups: ``` $assembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("c:\Users\All Users\Lenovo\ImController\Plugins\IdeaNotebookPlugin\x64\IdeaNotebookPlugin.dll" ) $agent = $assembly.GetTypes()[0].GetMethod("GetInstance").Invoke($null,$null) $agent $request = New-Object -TypeName Lenovo.Modern.Contracts.Keyboard.KeyboardSettingsRequest ``` ``` $list...
Cool, that's a good think, I think it might help a lot of people with similar issues. I just need to find the time to update the program to call...
I left it running with a delay for sampling of 5s and it does manage to publish values about 1% of the time. Here is a successful snippet: ``` May...
Yes, but that did not change the behavior. Strangely enough, it started working by itself correctly after a few hours. I suspect it expected a certain order of messages but...
Sadly, it still is spotty. Sometimes it has a good run, sometimes it fails to get any reading for 20+ minutes. Publish_period is 10s, sample_period is 5s, expiry is set...
Well, it seems that at least the first module was not dead, just sleeping?! Moreover, it doesn't seem to be able to drive a piezo module, which is quite weird....