
Results 12 comments of Hommy

I met a a similar problem @RaniemAR All of a sudden we find solutions are similar But still not successful After such a long time,did you solved it?

I met the same problem as your. The following is my command: ./app_tracking -sensor_type XP2 -cam_calib_path mysensor180601.yaml -pb_load data/room1.pb -path_follower walk -guide_ip -guide_port 8887 no img_size is found in...

具体情况是这样的,如果运行官方编译好的程序app_tracking,没有问题,和手册中效果一样。但是自己编译出的app_tracking就没有地图,命令都是一样的,我重新存了张地图也不能读取,就是这样报错。 是不是两份代码不一样。


ubuntu1604 @xjtao1314 @kiyology I solve this problem. in line 650~700 Please modify them with the following code.Note my number of line is not same as yours possibly. and I use...

> Please provide us with the map (.pb file) and a short data recording of the case that failed to reloc. 您好,我们在执行AI手册上最后一步需要定位操作时迟迟到达不了最后的定位,试了许多次,不清楚在哪一步出现了错误。贴三张图,按照手册步骤的命令行步骤,安装包目录,遇到的问题。请问下原因,谢谢! ![2018-12-06 17-15-33](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20694908/49575045-b6076900-f97c-11e8-83f5-5b4dc0148419.png) ![2018-12-06 17-15-23](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20694908/49575046-b6076900-f97c-11e8-83be-6db87fc4eb66.png) ![2018-12-06 15-24-23](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20694908/49575048-b69fff80-f97c-11e8-9501-9e6971f1fb7c.png)

> Please provide us with the map (.pb file) and a short data recording of the case that failed to reloc. 您好!这里是pb文件,我不知道reloc在哪里,如果有点建议就好了。 [live.pb.zip](https://github.com/baidu/boteye/files/2653302/live.pb.zip)

> 还有,把你录制地图的raw data也传一下,就是建图时的所有左右眼的图像包括imu数据 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XoN_ziXxs3pG8FmR8Hufpg 提取码: 9ntg 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦

> 还有,把你录制地图的raw data也传一下,就是建图时的所有左右眼的图像包括imu数据 你好,这是我的全部环境,在0.14.58文件夹下有我执行扫图和校准的指令文档,在navi_data文件夹里是我的地图数据。谢谢!请您帮忙看看是哪里出了问题,有点小急。

能商用就会签约,现在试用各家的SDK。 在2018年12月11日 21:10,Runzii Mo 写道: 你好,请问你在我们签约客户群里吗 — You are receiving this because you modified the open/close state. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.