Results 10 comments of Orb

``` from kivy_ios.toolchain import Recipe, shprint import os import sh class GrpcioRecipe(Recipe): version = "master" url = '' depends = ["python3"] def install(self): arch = list(self.filtered_archs)[0] build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch) os.chdir(build_dir)...

@cdecker thanks for including that tinyurl link. This looks good. I didn't want to give up on the issue so tried building sphinx docs locally, and the .md link was...

When i set buildozer version to 1.3.0 I get: is missing.

Same issue here. Checking for how this can be fixed with docker-compose.yaml

As much as I try not to let things like this get to me, it's true that ignoring lnd.conf may be a somewhat annoying design decision.

I'm noticing two files of interest: ``` ./app-data/lightning/ ./repos/https---github-com-getumbrel-umbrel-apps-git/lightning/ ``` (they seem to originate from Oddy, modifying the --tlsextraip flag also doesn't seem to have the desired effect. I'm...

Hmm my conclusion is that this isn't the right approach. i.e shouldn't try overriding tlsextraip. Instead should connect to LND via the 'connect wallet' functionality giving via the interface.

> > May be it's high time Yagmail supports AWS SES credential login, all are perfect but this piece of feature is missing which makes us choose alternatives. > >...