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anvill forges beautiful LLVM bitcode out of raw machine code

Results 63 anvill issues
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Hello! I am a deep user of Mcsema, and I want to contribute some effort to the Anvill community. I create an issue in anvill community about what I've found...

Hello, I am a user of Mcsema, and I have pushed some code to Mcsema before [PL#780]( is not very important just a script). and I want to contribute my...

| Status | Pass | |---|---| | ✅ | `BranchRecovery` | | ✅ | `CombineAdjacentShifts` | | ❗ | [`ConvertAddressesToEntityUses`]( | | ✅ | `ConvertMasksToCasts` | | ❔ | `ConvertSymbolicReturnAddressToConcereteReturnAddress`...