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anvill forges beautiful LLVM bitcode out of raw machine code

Results 63 anvill issues
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This feature will exist to support data-to-code and data-to-data references. This will be an array of entries, kind of like: ``` [ [, ] // .. more entries ] ```...


The main change that might be unexpected here is the removal of the ConvertIntegerToPointerOperations pass. We have an open issue (#303) to convert that pass to use opaque pointers and...

C source ```C #include int fizz_buzz(int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) { printf("Fizz"); } if (i %...


* Migrate to AWS for some integration tests

This PR is a notional PR to track merging the patchable IR work back into anvill when we can recover the initial high level anvill representation from the patchable IR

``` ANVILL_PROGRAM = anvill.get_program() File "anvill\ida\", line 143, in get_program ret = IDASpecification(arch, os, maybe_base_address) TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class IDASpecification with abstract methods get_context_assignments_for_addr ``` There is no implementation...

This is an automated pull request. It adds a CODEOWNERS file to the repository