> Can you describe what the issue is? Is it that you're able to make a request outside of the CSP sandbox, or you can't make one which should be...
@elocremarc Yeah. Need to figure out if that's still the case when CSP headers are present.
Looks great!
@leonidasord Problem is, server would have no way of figuring out what `self` is for the recursive endpoint you're proposing. Only workaround is using HTTP Referral field, which would defeat...
> /self recursive endpoint where all it does is return the inscription ID of the inscription that is calling it. As I said, the caller of `/self` would have to...
@Vanniix Seems very convoluted for explorers to inject the state like that into 3rd party content, just in order to avoid relying on specific URL paths. "Recursion" is essentially a...
One of the reasons I had used `/r/inscription/:inscription_id/rune/:rune_id` in #3538 over output was so that the recursive endpoints would not be ephemeral. Output endpoints would probably also need to be...