Welly Setiawan Limantoro
Welly Setiawan Limantoro
hi @koide3 Do you have any reference for run the catkin properly? Because I'm new to ROS system. I never use this system before since my background are not in...
Hi, I got this error during pcl 1.8.0 installation:  I had following all instruction on link bellow for installing pcl library https://askubuntu.com/questions/916260/how-to-install-point-cloud-library-v1-8-pcl-1-8-0-on-ubuntu-16-04-2-lts-for is there any solution for my problem...
@zcy1065670505 Since it was not fulfill my needs, I decided to use PCL library provided in C++ for finishing my project. You can check the documentation in this [link](https://pointclouds.org/) .