
Results 10 issues of lidongxing

Hi Mikel, I preprocess, train,translate according to the original hyerparameters and the information of original paper, test on newstest2014, and get the bleu value 10.97. Some problems may be ?...

when run until 【Build DataStream ...】 , the following error occured: ./ line 10: 12740 Killed why? Thank you very much.

Can you present some papers about loss function? Thanks.

Hello, after embedding layer, the new token embedding includes learned token embedding and static postional embedding. Of course, the have the postional embedding value. So, before the embedding are entered...

I am very sorry for using pytorch. Do you have the tensorflow implementation of Fixup? Thanks.

line = line.replace(' UNK ', f' {UNK} ') SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Thanks for your work! Now I can not get the pretrained models from the given link? Do you have another way to get the pretrained models?

I want to spide baidu baike data for some unsupervised training. But the yunpan url cannot login. Thanks very much.

when execute: "python -m fastchat.model.apply_lora --base huggyllama/llama-7b --target ./model_weights/baize-7b --lora project-baize/baize-lora-7B" ,the error "TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'torch_dtype'" focus.

When I run the shell, " python sgnmt/ --config_file fairseq.ini:, the errors ocurr: sgnmt> Why is it rare to discover new marine mammal species ? 2022-02-24 15:02:31,595 INFO: Start time:...