Daofeng Li

Results 83 comments of Daofeng Li

encounter same issue, is there a solution? thanks!

Hi @b-snel our IP address is, port wise I guess 80 and 443?

Hi @Tong-Chen what happens if you not use `-d` with npm start?

Hi @Tong-Chen your computer is fine, I don't think it's a computer issue. I did test nodejs the version you used in Mac, which works fine...I need to find a...

Hi, @Tong-Chen any luck in getting it working? I guess maybe we can schedule a time to do a zoom meeting to get this fixed? How do you think?

Hi @Tong-Chen , great! Does Beijing time 11AM Saturday works for you?

Hi @Tong-Chen I will add you wechat and figure it out together.

Hi @Tong-Chen just like to follow up on this issue. I tested on our RHEL linux virtual server with node v16 and npm v8, which works fine. ``` $ node...

Hi @guandailu sure, will take a look. looks like UCSC doesn't have this assembly yet?

Hi @guandailu is it ok to use this file http://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-107/fasta/gallus_gallus/dna_index/Gallus_gallus.bGalGal1.mat.broiler.GRCg7b.dna.toplevel.fa.gz for the genome fasta? do you prefer chrom names in chr1 or 1?