Herbert Breunung
Herbert Breunung
in wikipedia any : before textblock will be evaled into a tab aka one indention level for the entire block. i would need that here too. thanks
a simple mechanism to upload and tags to insert it into wiki pages. wp uses syntax: [[Image:Perl1730.jpeg|thumb|Perl und Umbebung 1730]] first part says which file, in englis
when clicking on tag linkes you jump to http://november-wiki.org/all?tag=perl%206 instead of http://november-wiki.org/all?tag=perl+%20+6
i need to have links like [[link page|label]]. thats normal wikimedia syntax and its sometimes the only way to link something meaningfully.
..like in media wiki so that on large texts can work people parallel (its not pressing yet, only in socialwiki where would like to have this right know)
create a simple means by that all chapter headlines inside the article are bundeld to an table of content, and make it also possible that some of the topics don't...
we soon will move this repo to : https://github.com/lichtkind/Perl6-Math-Matrix and have to change this as well https://github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/doc/Language/math.pod6 https://github.com/perl6/ecosystem/blob/master/META.list
most math programs treat vectors as special matrices but its an exciting module and a useful one. do we want to have methods who accept vectors as parameter do as...