
Results 4 issues of libor13

There is build for OpenSSL 3.1.x version in ssl_3 folder. Is possible to make build for OpenSSL 3.0.x version too ?

I will create encrypted virtual drive on google drive disc and mount it. When I copy some file to mounted drive, cppcryptfs thrown exception invalid handle in cryptdokan.cpp line 729....

**Describe the bug** Files in encrypted virtual drive have nonsencial file size (>PB) and modified and accessed datetime from year 1970. **Desktop** OS: Windows 10 Encfs4win version: 1.11.0-beta.4 **To Reproduce**...

It is not possible to build encfs project in VS in debug mode. Encfs4win version: 1.11.0-beta.4 There is bad configuration in Properties-Linker-Input-Additional Dependencies: $(DOKAN_ROOT)\Win32\Debug\dokan1.lib $(DOKAN_ROOT)\Win32\Debug\dokanfuse1.lib $(OPENSSL_ROOT)\lib\libeay32.lib $(OPENSSL_ROOT)\lib\ssleay32.lib Correct is: $(DOKAN_ROOT)\Win32\Debug\dokan2.lib...