
Results 9 comments of Libs

Thanks for the response @daurnimator (and apologies for the dupe issue). I'm a little confused as to where I even need to be looking. For example if I've added an...

Thanks @lorenzos thats helpful. I've tried to follow that approach but still banging my head against a wall here. Do you mind if I share some code to see if...

Thank you, thats super helpful. I got this working in my sample script now - with arguments. 👍 Just need to figure out how to do this in my project...

I have another question. Suppose my wrapped code returns some value. How would I get that out of the coroutine? In the code below the async `hello` function works nicely...

The Lua code I'm running is user-generated code - always functions that return some value. So I can't change the Lua code at all, other than perhaps wrapping it in...

Hi guys, I just wanted to update you on my progress re the above discussion. I have now achieved what I wanted, following the approach suggested by @lorenzos (wrapping the...

You're not missing anything - it's a bug. The from_string implementations need to match against `trpv` and `tpub`, maybe something like: ```elixir def from_string( = xprv) when pre in ["xprv",...

Or even this would do tbh... ```elixir def from_string( = xprv) do ```

The `casts` object is exported from the main module. So you use it like this: ```js const { forgeTx, casts } =require('txforge') // Get the casts you will use in...