
Results 7 comments of Andreas

Being able to set a local (sdcard) folder for storage is crucial for me as well so :+1:

@kohei-takata awesome and nw! I use [seafile]( for example. Works the same way tho. It creates a Seafile folder on the sdcard where the selected files are synced. So I...

Hi @tancik, Thanks for your work! Have the same issue when running `ns-train` on the docker image `nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu22.04` and ssh port forwarding. (In the container I've installed a conda environment...

We seem to have the same issue using calcom-docker (with v2.4.4). Were you able to fix it?

We've used the Dockerfile in the [calcom/docker]( project to build our own image, as otherwise non-localhost domain names don't work as far as I understood.

Thanks for looking into it! If its a configuration issue or an issue with the callback URL then it shouldn't work after reconnecting the google account, right? But that seems...

Ok it seems that the restarting (or recreating) the container has nothing to do with it! Its that the google tokens cannot get refreshed. Had it running w/o restart and...