
Results 7 issues of liangshi036

问题描述:master分支clone下来后对项目进行打包,发现TESTS无法通过,报错如下,防火墙已允许: ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Running com.tencent.angel.master.AppTest 21/08/27 11:47:43 INFO utils.UGITools : UGI_PROPERTY_NAME is null 21/08/27 11:47:43 INFO client.AngelClient : running mode = ANGEL_PS_WORKER 21/08/27 11:47:44 INFO...

很多文档都是三四年前的了,按照当时的文档操作不通。比如按照 docs/tutorials/ 3.1、3.2并没有发布 文件。是不再需要了么?最近的有angel_xxx_bin.zip文件的是,但是解压开里面已经没有了,按照老文档还是需要?

pls add Strongly Connected Components algorithm. AS in graphx, I face OOM problem ,and have no idea to deal with it. Thanks for your awesome work.

How do I apply this nice repo to Multi-Label Classification task ? That is , a image has multi labels,I'd like to get the each label's confidence. sound like add...


Hi, I prepare the data as describe in [](url) which have 11 different spoof types, I crop the face using the BBox in the json files . then I training...


![640]( 多行文字识别的结果为: time take: 1.59 s ocr: ['HUXEPPP 621651017111410013000310400 ### 都会议次在发展中的标准的证词 都会吸收'] 使用的是 weights 模型文件。 是哪里没有操作对么